Monday, March 29, 2010

JavaScript and ActionScript

Since my uncle came this weekend, I really didn't a time to focus on coding. However, I read something interesting about JavaScript, ActionScript, Canvas and Flash.

JavaScript and ActionScript

JavaScript and ActionScript are brothers. They both come from ECMAScript. No wonder why I am so easy to understand the syntax of JavaScript. (Background: I started to learned Flash 5 years ago. Check one of my little flash example in my previous post.)
They are different with C++. As my opensource professor David said, they are functional language. Function is the basics. Therefore, you can do something impossible in C++, and they are easier. For example,
for(var i=0;i<10;i++){
  this["t"+i].i = i;
  this["t"+i] = function{
    return this.i;
it will create ten functions inside the global scope, let's say. The name of them are t0,t1,t2 and so on until t9. and they will return 0,1,2 and so on until 9 for each. It doesn't have any meaning in the code, but if I need to do it in C++, then I need the create ten functions and store the pointer of the funtions into an array. That is the reason why I think JavaScript and ActionScript are easier than C++.

JavaScript vs ActionScript

I don't think they have anything to compare with, because JavaScript manage the element of HTML page, and ActionScript is for a better graphics and animation. Everything is so peaceful until Canvas come up.

Canvas vs Flash

Canvas, one of the new element in HTML5.
Flash, a wide using web element since 1996.
There are a lot of voice on the web talking about Canvas and Flash.
Adobe, Microsoft Spar Over Flash, Silverlight, HTML5
HTML5 and the future of Adobe Flash
Flash Player: CPU Hog or Hot Tamale? It Depends.
Lots of, Lots of articles.

My point of view

It is unfair to say which is good or not since HTML5 is still under experimental. In China, there is an old said that, "Hundred Schools of Thought". For me, the programming field is still growing, and looks healthy.

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